When you Visit Your Car Accident Attorney in Queens, Come Prepared with the Right Documents


We’ve been a preferred personal injury and accident attorney law firm for generations. Many of our clients are the grandchildren of former clients. We help you when you need legal assistance by empathizing with your situation and by taking strong action to prosecute your case. If you are looking for a car accident or personal injury attorney in Queens, you’ve come to the right place!

When you are seeking a car accident lawyer or any other type of professional service, it is important to do your research. Don’t accept cards from “runners” on the street that funnel you into low quality “no-fault” medical facilities. Here’s what you should be looking at when you are seeking an accident attorney in Queens.

• The firm’s background and experience – how long have they been in business?
• Do you feel comfortable with the attorney – are your questions answered and your concerns addressed?
• Certifications and other qualifications
• Commitment
• Location
• Reliability

Every good car accident attorney knows the laws that apply in their own State and Nationally, has expertise with dealing with the insurance and healthcare companies and knows how to settle a case for the most money and as quickly as possible. Here’s how you can help your Car Accident Attorneys in Queens help you better – bring them the evidence they will need to do their best job for you. So, here is the list of documents you might need to bring with you when you visit your Queens car accident attorney.

1.   Photographs, videos, etc. – If your car was damaged in an accident, then it is always a good idea to take pictures/videos of the relevant damages. Try to take pictures of the other vehicle and of the other driver – they may even admit they caused the accident, try to get a video of that statement. If you couldn’t do this at the scene do to your injuries or the chaos, it is not too late to take pictures of your car and your injuries later that day or the next day!

2.   Your Insurance Policy – It is also a good idea to bring your full insurance policies with you to see your accident attorney. These documents have all of the applicable policy limits and coverage information, so your attorney will know quickly what you are entitled to under your policy.

3.   Proof of Premium Payments – Your attorney may ask for the evidence that your automobile insurance policy premiums have been paid regularly. This will help them to make your case strong.

4.   More information About Interaction with Police at the Accident Scene – In many cases, the police are called directly to the accident scene. In these situations, they draft an accident report that includes a diagram showing where the various cars or pedestrians were at the time of the accident, with the on-scene officer’s initial impressions of the cause of the accident. This information plays an important role in allowing your attorney to develop a total understanding of your case. Sometimes the police report is incorrect and you can explain this to your attorney.

5.   Medical Records – If you’re injured or any of your family member or friends are injured in that accident and are undergoing treatment for physical injuries, you should bring the information for these medical providers so that your attorney can obtain reports. If you were treated at a hospital, bring the discharge papers that were given to you.

6. Other Statements – During the accident, you may have contacted by a representative of your automobile insurance company where you gave certain statements to the concerned person. This statement copy will be a great help.

Gathering important documents is an essential for any kind of car accident case. You might not have all the documents mentioned, so just bring what you have to your Car Accident Lawyers Queens. At “Wittenstein & Wittenstein”, we can get any documents or information you don’t have, but it’s helpful to have what is available as a starting point. Together we will get you what you deserve!

2019-12-21T10:31:10+00:00By |0 Comments

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