Can I Sue In New York If I’m Not a Citizen?

Can I sue in New York if I'm not a citizen?


If you are wondering, “Can I sue in New York if I’m not a citizen,?” the answer is yes.  TOURISTS AND IMMIGRANTS CAN TAKE A STAND, TOO!  So, if you are a tourist or an immigrant, and in need of legal assistance in the United States, don’t be afraid to fight for your rights! Even if you are in the country illegally, you still have a right to sue.  Attorneys and insurance companies are not required to report immigration status.  Wittenstein & Wittenstein can help you seek compensation for any injustices done to you, just like anybody else.

Non-native residents and tourists in the United States are hesitant to file lawsuits because they are afraid they do not have the same rights as citizens. But you need not feel fear: let an experienced and highly qualified attorney from Wittenstein & Wittenstein decide the merits of your case. We understand that immigrants face special challenges when filing a lawsuit in the United States. The laws of your home country may not be the same as the laws here. You may not speak English very well, so the idea of sorting through legal jargon—which is difficult even for Americans to understand—is scary. But Wittenstein & Wittenstein is dedicated to helping. With our small size, we are able to give you the individual attention you need to feel comfortable with your litigation. Additionally, we are prepared with translators on staff to assist you in making decisions. This kind of special attention cannot be found at a large firm, which is why Wittenstein & Wittenstein takes pride in its size.

It is not true that you must be a citizen to file a lawsuit in the United States. Common examples of people who are eligible to file suit are:

  • Students on Student Visas
  • Workers with Work Visas
  • Green Card holders
  • Non-citizen residents
  • Illegal immigrants
  • Tourists

If you are not from the United States but believe you have a case to file in this country, please call Wittenstein & Wittenstein at 718-261-8114 or email at so we can help you determine what your options are and help you take the next step.

2019-01-22T17:25:04+00:00By |0 Comments

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