Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel are held to a very high standard when providing childbirth services. Most caregivers are dedicated and careful, but when there is a failure to use the appropriate standard of care that results in a baby being injured during childbirth or due to negligent prenatal care, you deserve compensation. Birth injuries can cause disabilities that last for life that can be very expensive for parents, so it is prudent in these cases to make sure that funds are available for this care. Many lawyers will claim to know how to handle your birth injury case, but only an experienced New York City birth injury attorney will have the experience and resources to do it right. We take cases that other attorneys turn down, and we take them after other attorneys drop them. Don’t waste your time, call us first.
- Fractured bones: Improperly using a forceps or suction can cause fractures in a newborn baby. Using these tools when they were not necessary can also be a claim.
- Cerebral Palsy: Brain damage can be caused by injuries to the skull, lack of oxygen other problems during childbirth. This can lead to cerebral palsy, a condition which causes difficulties in development and movement.
- Spinal Cord Injuries: When the baby is not properly positioned at birth due to negligent or reckless actions, damage can occur to the baby’s spinal cord, causing lifelong disabilities.
- Brachial Plexus Injuries: Sometimes the baby’s shoulders are lodged behind the mother’s pelvis. Doctors have procedures which should be employed when this happens. Failing to use the proper technique can damage the nerves of the spinal cord, seriously impairing the use of the arms.
- Asphyxia: Lack of oxygen can cause brain damage that could have been prevented.
Not all birth injuries are preventable, but when doctors do not use the right procedures or make mistakes, they are responsible for the damage they cause. An extensive investigation is required to determine whether the injury was avoidable. Sometimes the use of forceps of vacuum extraction is done improperly or a Caserean section is not ordered when needed. An undue delay in delivering a baby or a failure to diagnose complications that arise during labor can lead to dire consequences for mother and child. It is not always clear what caused the injury, so an extensive investigation is often required with the assistance of a New York City birth injury attorney
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