BURN INJURIES2018-08-14T17:22:55+00:00



Burns can be caused by negligence in many different ways.  Here are some examples:

Treatment for burns has improved greatly in recent years.  There are many ways that pain can be reduced and cosmetic results can be improved, but these treatments are very expensive.  If you are a victim of a burn injury that was caused by negligence you need an attorney to help get your medical bills paid to collect the maximum compensation possible for your pain and suffering.   The best way to do this is with the help of an experienced New York City burn injuries attorney.

Burns in Traffic Accidents

With any heavy collision between Motor Vehicles, the possibility of a fire or explosion exists.  If you are able, you should get out of the vehicle as soon as possible after an accident. Fires and explosions can cause severe burns which could require reconstructive surgery, skin grafts or even cause death.  An experienced New York City burn injuries attorney will know how to make a case for compensation.

Burns in Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle riders have little no protection from burns caused by gasoline spills.  They can also sustain burns from coming into contact with motorcycle parts that are very hot after an impact.  Sometimes a mechanical defect causes motorcycle parts to overheat causing burns.

Other Types of Burn Accidents

Burns can be caused by Defective, Malfunctioning or Misused:

  • Room Heaters
  • Outlets
  • Electrical Wiring
  • Cooking Equipment
  • Tanning Beds
  • Cosmetic Treatments
  • Hair Coloring

Types of Burns

  • Thermal burns – caused by contact with fire, steam, hot liquids, or other sources of extreme heat
  • Light burns – caused by  sunlight or ultraviolet light
  • Chemical burns – caused by an acid, alkali, or chemical explosion
  • Radiation burns – caused by contact with nuclear radiation

Degrees of Burns

  • First-Degree Burns – These are minor burns where only the outer layer of skin is impacted.  They can be painful, but usually heal completely in a few days. Sunburn, without blistering, is a first degree burn.
  • Second Degree Burns – There are two types of second degree burns.
    • Partial thickness burns usually look red and may have blisters.  There is damage to both the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and most of the dermis underneath.  Healing usually takes a couple of weeks.
    • Full thickness burns may be white or red and look dry.  There could be a loss of sensation in the affected area.  This type of burn may require a skin graft.
  • Third Degree Burns – This is a very serious type of burn because every layer of the skin is impacted.  They can be black or white, and can look “leathery.” The nerves of the skin are so badly damaged that there may be no sensation at the site of the burn.  Skin grafts will be required and there will be severe scarring.
  • Fourth Degree Burns – These are burns that destroy not just skin, but the muscles and bone underneath.  These burns are often fatal, and survivors need to undergo substantial skin grafting and other life-saving treatments.
  • Fifth and Sixth Degree Burns — These burns cause massive destruction to skin, muscle, ligaments, tendons and bones.  They are almost always fatal.

If you have suffered a burn due to somebody else’s negligence, you need an experienced Personal Injury Attorney to fight for your rights.  At Wittenstein & Wittenstein, we’ve been helped burn injury victims for more than 60 years. If you live in New York City (Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island) or in Nassau County, Long Island, please call us for a FREE CONSULTATION at 718-261-8114.  The grandchildren of our clients come to us because they know we will take great care of them, and we’ll take great care of you, too. We’ll make sure your medical bills are paid, your lost earnings are collected, your out of pocket expenses are reimbursed and will get you the maximum amount of compensation for your pain and suffering.  Give us a call. You’ll be glad you did.



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