CHEST INJURIES2018-08-13T22:52:11+00:00



Chest injuries are quite common in a traffic accident, but can also have other causes.  The extent of the injury might not be clear right after the incident, so it is a good idea to get medical attention if you have any pain in your chest after an accident.  Chest injuries can sometimes cause internal injuries that may need immediate attention.  If you have suffered a chest injury and believe negligence was the cause, it’s a good idea to have a consultation with a New York City chest injuries attorney as soon as possible.

Injuries From the Seat Belt

Seatbelts, while protecting you by preventing you from hitting the windshield or being ejected from a vehicle, can sometimes cause problems of their own.  In a strong collision, they can put significant pressure on your chest, causing bruising. The force of an impact can even cause fractures in the chest area when you are wearing a seatbelt.  Of course, the injuries would likely be much worse without the seatbelt.

A seat belt must always be worn correctly to protect you, and failing to do so can cause some specific types of injuries.  For example, if you put the shoulder strap under your arm, you have a greater chance of breaking a rib in a collision. Some people put it behind their backs (to keep the car from “bleeping,) which leaves you vulnerable to severe burns from an airbag, as well as hitting your head on the steering wheel or dashboard.  This could cause concussions and even traumatic brain damage should a collision occur.

Airbag Injuries

Airbag injuries are always less severe than what would have sustained without them, but they can cause the following chest injuries that may require medical treatment:

  • Abrasions
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
  • Bruises
  • Minor Fractures

If you sustain a serious injury due to a malfunctioning airbag, you have a claim for product liability with the airbag manufacturer.  Product liability claims are complicated, and you should have a consultation with a New York City chest injuries attorney as soon as you suspect their was an airbag malfunction, so that evidence is not destroyed before an action can be brought.

Sternum Fractures

If you experience pain, tenderness or a hear a crunching sound after an accident, this could indicate that you have fractured your sternum.  This is not something to ignore as a fractured sternum can cause internal injuries which could be life-threatening. This is a situation where a trip to the Emergency Room, where they have a wide range of diagnostic equipment available makes much more sense than waiting to see your doctor.   At the Emergency Room, they will do X-rays and Cat Scans to diagnose your chest injuries. Immediate surgery may be necessary if there is internal bleeding or difficulty breathing. Minor sternum fractures which do not impact organs, are painful but generally heal on their own.

Injured Internal Organs

Trauma to the chest can cause internal injuries such as injuries to the lungs, heart, trachea, spleen, liver, and kidneys.  Any injury to the chest requires immediate medical attention and serious injuries from negligence require legal attention as well.  At Wittenstein & Wittenstein, we’ve been helping victims of chest injuries for over 60 years. Please call us to make an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION 718-261-8114.

If you have suffered from chest injuries due to the negligence of another, call Wittenstein & Wittenstein for a FREE CONSULTATION AT 718-261-8114.  You’ll be glad you did.


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