Dental Malpractice2018-08-14T23:45:19+00:00

queens medical malpractice attorneys


Dentists owe a duty of care to their patients.  They must advise them about procedures that are necessary to maintain their dental health and their general health.  Specialist referrals are also very important.  A dentist that notices gum disease should refer the patient to a periodontist in a timely manner so that that periodontal disease does not progress into tooth loss.  Teeth that cannot be saved might need to be pulled.  Cost is often an issue as most people do not have dental insurance, but that should not impact the dentist’s work.  If a patient cannot afford the treatment the dentist recommends, they can be referred to a teaching hospital or clinic.  If you have suffered from the improper dental care you should contact Queens Dental Malpractice Attorneys to discuss your options.

Dental malpractice cases requiring a tremendous investment of time and money.  Experts need to be hired and investigation needs to be done.  That’s why you need experienced top-notch attorneys for these cases.   If something listed below has happened to you, you may have a claim for Dental Malpractice which Queens Medical Malpractice Attorneys.

  • Diagnosis is delayed making dental problem more difficult to treat
  • Treatment is delayed for financial or other reasons
  • Dental surgical errors
  • Failure to diagnose and oral disease
  • Failure to monitor a patient’s oral disease or condition with appropriate care
  • Dentist failed to get informed consent for a procedure, including all the complications that might be expected
  • Dental tools misused
  • Failure to properly sterilize causes infection
  • Removal of teeth that might have been saved

If anything described above caused you a serious permanent injury, loss of taste or sensation or other serious problems, you should call us for a free consultation to determine whether you have a claim for Dental Malpractice.  At Wittenstein & Wittenstein’s Queens Dental Malpractice Attorneys Office, we handle cases from New York City (Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island) and Nassau County, Long Island.  Please call us for an appointment for a free consultation at 718-261-8114.



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