DRUNK DRIVERS (DUI)2024-07-31T13:56:40+00:00

queens drunk driver accident attorney


More than half of the fatal car accidents in the United States are caused by drunk drivers.  In New York State, drivers are considered “driving while intoxicated” if they have a blood alcohol level of 0.08 or higher.  For drivers holding commercial licenses, there is a stricter standard of 0.04 percent, even if they are driving a personal vehicle when stopped.  New York’s “Zero Tolerance Law” included a provision that drivers under 21 may only have 0.02 percent.  Despite these strict laws, drunk driver accidents are still common, and more prevalent in the suburbs where there is less access to public transportation.  When you are a victim of a drunk driver, it’s time to call a Queens Drunk Driver Accident Attorney.

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver (meeting the standards above,) you are in a good position with your case as will be much easier to prove that they were at fault.  It’s not “strict liability,” if you hit somebody that’s drunk in the rear while they are waiting at a light, you would still be responsible, even though they were drunk.  The drunk drivers must still CAUSE the accident.  If the drunk driver caused the accident, your own insurance company will still pay your medical bills, lost earnings, and out-of-pocket expenses and you can sure the driver for pain and suffering and other damages.  A Queens Drunk Driver Accident Attorney can handle all these claims for you, so you can focus on your recovery.

There are additional claims available under New York’s “Dram Shop” laws.  A bar or restaurant that serves liquor to somebody that is “visibly intoxicated” or a person that is “actually or apparently” under 21, can also be held liable for the accident.  There is more opportunity for recovery when an accident involves a drunk driver, but there is also an additional complication in applying “Dram Shop” law, finding and investigating the businesses and individuals to hold liable.  This may result in conflicts of interest and the overlap of claims.  This is definitely not something you want to go at alone.  In order to achieve the maximum compensation for the injuries caused by a drunk driver, a team of experienced attorneys is a must.  At Wittenstein & Wittenstein, we have been helping victims of drunk driving accidents for more than 60 years.  You can trust Queens Drunk Driver Accident Attorney, Wittenstein & Wittenstein,  to leave no stone unturned helping you to recover damages for your injuries.

Please call Wittenstein & Wittenstein at 718-261-8114 for an appointment for a free consultation.  You’ll be glad you did.



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