queens medication errorS attorney

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that nearly 50% of people in the United States regularly take some type of medication.  As the population ages, it’s anticipated that this percentage will increase.  It’s not surprising that the incidence of medication mistakes is rising as well.  If you have been prescribed the wrong medication, or have been given the wrong medication or dose by a pharmacy, you may be entitled to compensation.  For these complicated cases Queens Medication Errors Attorney Wittenstein & Wittenstein teams up with the eminent Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm to get you the best results.  Don’t waste your time, call us first.

Queens Medication Errors Attorney, Serving New York City and Long Island

For generations, Wittenstein & Wittenstein, and The Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm, have been helping people with big problems win their claims.  We take cases that other firms won’t, and we pursue cases that other firms drop.   We know everything about Medical Malpractice, including exactly how to handle difficult cases for medication errors.  If your doctor gave you the wrong medicine for your condition, and it made things much worse, please talk to us about what can be done.  Did a pharmacy give you somebody else’s prescription?  Sadly, this happens quite often, and when it causes great harm, they are liable for damages.

When a nurse does not properly administer medication, that’s malpractice, too.  When a bottle is mislabeled with the wrong drug or wrong dose, people can get very sick or even die.  These cases must be thoroughly investigated and meticulously prepared for trial.  Not every attorney with a shingle has the expertise in this specialty that will get real results.  This is when you need a Queens medication errors attorney that has the experience necessary to take your case the all the way to trial.


3 Top Secrets of Accident Attorneys

You can’t go anywhere these days without seeing giant billboards from Big Box law firms promising “millions of dollars” if you sign up with them. What they don’t want to you to know is that you would never want to trade places with their million-dollar clients whose lives are tragic and nobody would want to be in their shoes. Here’s the truth about accident cases that most Queens car accident attorney don’t want you to know. Policy Limits Reduce Most Settlements Unless you’re suing Elon Musk, the insurance policy limits are all you can collect in most cases. In New York, the minimum policy for passenger cars is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. This means that if you’re a pedestrian hit by a car with this minimum policy, [...]

How do you Prove Negligence in a Slip and Fall Case?

Slip and fall accidents can occur unexpectedly and lead to significant injuries, whether on sidewalks, in commercial properties, or at private clubs or residences. In Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, and across New York City victims injured in slip & fall accidents can collect compensation if they can prove that the injury was due to someone’s negligence. This negligence could be either causing or failing to correct a hazardous condition. In this blog, we will explain what victims should do in such a scenario and how we at Wittenstein & Wittenstein can help you get the highest possible compensation for slip-and-fall accidents in Queens, Brooklyn and across NYC.  We have more than six decades of experience as negligence lawyers in Queens and Brooklyn and have a long list of satisfied clients across [...]

What is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

There are two basic types of attorneys - criminal and civil. Criminal attorneys prosecute and defend clients for criminal cases. There are many types of civil law including matrimonial, commercial, will and estates and personal injury law. Personal injury law encompasses a wide range of matters that are pursued by injured plaintiffs against defendants that have caused them harm. The lion’s share of personal injury lawyers in NYC handle car accidents, slip and fall, animal attacks and other common types of accident cases, but some negligence lawyers in Queens also handle more sophisticated claims. If you’ve been seriously injured by somebody else’s negligence, recklessness or intentional act, it’s always worthwhile to speak to a personal injury attorney in NYC to find out if you have an actionable case. Contingency Fees and [...]

How Insurance Companies Low Ball Claims

If you’ve ever filed a claim against an insurance company, you know that they’re not in a hurry to give you top dollar. They are trained to use every means possible to deny or reduce how much money they pay out in claims. That’s why unrepresented claimants collect pennies on the dollars when compared to plaintiffs represented by experienced negligence lawyers in Queens. Wittenstein & Wittenstein is the Queen, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Bronx car accident attorneys that’s trusted by more New Yorkers than any other firm. Low Ball vs. Policy Limits The first thing to understand is the difference between a lowball offer and a tender of policy limits. Due to the virtual impossibility of collecting any funds personally from most civil defendants, claims are usually limited to collecting [...]

How I Learned To Love Being An Ambulance Chaser

When my dad took me to play tennis and ice skate - when we took our yearly Winter trips to visit relatives in Florida - when we shopped at Saks and Bloomingdales - all I ever heard was how my dad’s law practice paid for all of it. What was he doing to make money for all these nice things? I didn’t really know, but sometimes people would chuckle and say he’s an ambulance chaser. I didn’t really like the sound of this and wished that my dad was something cool like an actor or a civil rights leader. It’s been a long road, but I’ve come to understand the value of the business he built that continues to give low income people access to legal services - there’s a great [...]

How To Find The Best Accident Lawyer

Everybody always wants to hire the best. This is true when you’re looking for a doctor, lawyer, accountant, plumber, electrician or babysitter. The challenge is how to define the “best.” When my daughter wanted to go to a sleep away camp, I asked my friends to recommend the “best” camp. My daughter hated it because they didn’t play sports enough there. I asked my friend, and she said her daughter hates sports, that’s what she loved about the camp - very little sports. So, if you’re looking for the best accident lawyer in Forest Hills, it’s important to give some thought to what’s important to you. Do You Like To Be Informed? I’m the kind of person that always likes to be informed, so I tend to assume that others feel [...]

The Importance of Choosing the Right Brain Injury Attorney

When you, or somebody in your family, is injured in a serious accident, the wolves start to circle around looking for their kickback. These predators don’t care about access to state of the art medical facilities or the accommodations to homes and vehicles that can improve the quality of life for you or your loved ones. All they care about is the kickback they’re going to get from the unethical attorneys and therapy mills that they work with. Steer clear of these scoundrels and hire the top brain injury attorney in Queens that will provide excellent service and knows how to obtain the huge settlement or verdict that’s required to fully compensate victims. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) Any type of blow to the head can result in a TBI, so it’s [...]

What Is Negligence?

You’ve probably heard people say that you can sue for negligence when you’ve been injured, but you might not know exactly what the word means. The definition of negligence is simply “failing to use proper care.” This can mean something very different depending on what the activity is, and whether training or a license is required. Just because you were hurt, doesn’t mean that you will be successful suing the responsible parties. That’s why it’s important to speak to a negligence lawyer in Queens to find out if what happened to you is something that justifies a lawsuit. Elements of a Negligence Claim                                                                                                                  1 Duty of Care                                                    [...]

Premises Liability – When Can You Sue?

If you’ve been seriously injured on somebody else’s property, you might be wondering if you should sue. You are considering making a premises liability claim, but you don’t want to be a greedy nasty person. On the other hand, you've lost time from work and can’t enjoy the same physical activities as before the accident, so it’s natural to consider whether you’re entitled to compensation. That’s why we’re going to outline how courts determine whether a property owner is legally liable when somebody gets hurt. It’s always a good idea to call us at 718-261-8114 if you’ve had any kind of accident for a specific answer regarding the facts of your particular situation. Premises liability claims can be complicated, so it's worth it to give us a call to find out [...]

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