queens medication errorS attorney

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that nearly 50% of people in the United States regularly take some type of medication.  As the population ages, it’s anticipated that this percentage will increase.  It’s not surprising that the incidence of medication mistakes is rising as well.  If you have been prescribed the wrong medication, or have been given the wrong medication or dose by a pharmacy, you may be entitled to compensation.  For these complicated cases Queens Medication Errors Attorney Wittenstein & Wittenstein teams up with the eminent Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm to get you the best results.  Don’t waste your time, call us first.

Queens Medication Errors Attorney, Serving New York City and Long Island

For generations, Wittenstein & Wittenstein, and The Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm, have been helping people with big problems win their claims.  We take cases that other firms won’t, and we pursue cases that other firms drop.   We know everything about Medical Malpractice, including exactly how to handle difficult cases for medication errors.  If your doctor gave you the wrong medicine for your condition, and it made things much worse, please talk to us about what can be done.  Did a pharmacy give you somebody else’s prescription?  Sadly, this happens quite often, and when it causes great harm, they are liable for damages.

When a nurse does not properly administer medication, that’s malpractice, too.  When a bottle is mislabeled with the wrong drug or wrong dose, people can get very sick or even die.  These cases must be thoroughly investigated and meticulously prepared for trial.  Not every attorney with a shingle has the expertise in this specialty that will get real results.  This is when you need a Queens medication errors attorney that has the experience necessary to take your case the all the way to trial.


Head to the Emergency Room After a Traffic Accident!

Despite increases in safety of motor vehicles, people are injured in traffic accidents every day. Airbags and other safety devices will help minimize the extent of injuries in many cases, but will not prevent them completely. Airbags can also cause injuries of their own, such as severe burns. Seatbelts can sometimes cause internal injuries in the upper body. If you’ve been involved in a serious traffic accident, you should head to the emergency room. Your vehicle and your other responsibilities can wait; you must ensure that your health comes first. Internal Injuries, Concussions and Fractures Require Immediate Attention Any Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, Manhattan or Brooklyn traffic accident attorney can tell horror stories of people that didn’t realize the full extent of their injuries and skipped going to the emergency room [...]

Types of Damages Recoverable in Personal Injury Law

Generally, a personal injury case begins with establishing negligence, which is the recognition of a legal duty and breach of that legal duty.  This means that there must be something expected, such as a property owner’s duty to keep the premises safe, and the “breach” might be oil left spilled on the floor for an unreasonable amount of time.  It also needs to be proven that the “breach of duty” caused the injury claimed.  This is known as “causation.”  Just because the oil was on the ground, doesn’t mean it caused the accident, it must be proven that that it was slipping on the oil that caused the accident. Once negligence is proven, as above, the damages are assessed.  An experienced Personal Injury Lawyer NYC knows how to maximize the claim [...]

Why Did My Attorney Drop My Accident Case?

HERE’S WHY ATTORNEYS DROP ACCIDENT CASES You get an e-mail from your attorney telling you that they are dropping your case.  First of all, how rude! They should at least make an appointment for you to come into the office to discuss why your case turned sour, not just send you an e-mail informing you that your case is “dropped,” leaving you wondering why.  Sadly, this happens all the time at law firms that are too big or too inefficient to care about their clients.  You should never be wondering, "Why Did My Attorney Drop My Accident Case," as this should have been thoroughly explained to you. If you are sitting there wondering “Why did My Attorney Drop My Case,?” you probably didn’t have a great lawyer in the first [...]

What You Need To Know About Side-Impact Car Accidents

When a vehicle crashes into the side of another car, this collision is called a side- impact car accidents/collision. It may increase the vehicle occupants’ risk of suffering severe injuries or even death.  The way an accident happens is important in determining liability, and also for showing causation of the injuries claimed.  That’s why it’s important to understand the logistics of side-impact collisions. You will also know where to find the best of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island, and Queens Car Accident Attorney. There are many people who get injured due to such car accidents every year. Some of them suffer from minor injuries and recover soon. But there are many who suffer more serious injuries like broken legs, spine injuries, traumatic brain injuries and disfigurement.  If you or somebody you [...]

Negligence Lawyers in Queens – Helping People Harmed by Others

Queens Car Accident Lawyers knows how to help victims of many types of negligence.  Negligence is “failure to use reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to another.”  This can be anything from hitting somebody in the rear with their car to failing to provide proper lighting in a staircase.  Negligence is a fancy way to say “failure to use common sense.”  If you are hurt because of somebody’s bad judgment, distraction or poor choices, you are a victim of negligence.  Negligence lawyers are also known as Personal Injury Lawyers and Car Accident Lawyers. Negligence Lawyers in Queens, we not only know a whole lot about negligence and how to handle these cases, but also have resources in the area to assist in prosecuting your claims fully.  They know the best [...]

When Do You Need to Call a Personal Injury Attorney in Forest Hills?

Accidents and injuries can come upon us suddenly. Unfortunately, these things can happen to anyone, at any time. Personal Injury Law allows every injured individual to get compensation whenever the negligence of somebody else causes harm. There are many different situations that can give rise to a personal injury case. However, every situation where someone gets injured does not meet this legal standard.  It is necessary to show that somebody else’s fault caused the accident and that your injuries are related to the accident. Not everybody is aware of all the different situations when a personal injury attorney should be contacted.  So, to avoid any kind of confusion, we will now look at common cases for which contacting personal Injury Attorney is beneficial. Here are some of the major ones: Medical [...]

5 Things to Think about when Hiring a Queens Car Accident Attorney

TOP QUEENS CAR ACCIDENT ATTORNEY EXPLAINS HOW TO BE PREPARED Top Queens Car Accident Attorney know that accidents can be traumatic and we should always be prepared for all type of accidents.  One of the best ways to prepare is to have the number of a Queens accident attorney NYC at hand if any of your near or dear ones have an accident. So let me ask you one question: Whenever you think about accidents, what comes to your mind? Destruction, loss, and other negative thoughts, right? Everybody feels this way, whether it’s a major or minor accident. It doesn’t matter whether you became a victim due to your own fault or due to somebody else’s fault. The only thing that matters is the loss you have to face. It’s [...]

Benefits of hiring Established Forest Hills Personal Injury Lawyers – practicing in your area for 60 years

TOP NEGLIGENCE LAWYER QUEENS BASED - WE KNOW THE TURF It is really essential to have a good connection with your lawyer. A good connection comes with trust and this trust will allow you to stay calm while the lawyer represents your case in an effective way in court. Especially when it is the case of personal injury, you need to be very frank with your lawyer and should tell every detail without any hesitation. Facing a serious injury due to an unexpected accident can be really stressful. To get the right compensation amount for the personal loss and injury, you may have to deal with insurance companies. Dealing with a legal and bureaucratic process in a right way brings you the right compensation for your loss. This helps you [...]

Justice is Sweet – How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You

HOW A NYC PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY CAN HELP YOU For many people, Personal Injury Attorneys are their lifesavers. They can help people who have suffered loss, accidents, or injuries an opportunity to rebuild their lives. When hard-working people are injured by the negligence, recklessness, malpractice or deliberate errors of others, personal injury lawyers work with the victims to obtain compensation and that can cover medical expenses, disability, lost wages, defamation, emotional distress, expenses and suffering. Personal injury attorneys also protect clients from being victimized by insurance companies and the legal system. Accidents in the workplace are just one type of loss that personal injury attorneys are able to assist with, but everything from automobile accidents to dog bites and dental malpractice to a nasty fall could mean that you need the [...]

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