The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that nearly 50% of people in the United States regularly take some type of medication. As the population ages, it’s anticipated that this percentage will increase. It’s not surprising that the incidence of medication mistakes is rising as well. If you have been prescribed the wrong medication, or have been given the wrong medication or dose by a pharmacy, you may be entitled to compensation. For these complicated cases Queens Medication Errors Attorney Wittenstein & Wittenstein teams up with the eminent Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm to get you the best results. Don’t waste your time, call us first.
Queens Medication Errors Attorney, Serving New York City and Long Island
For generations, Wittenstein & Wittenstein, and The Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm, have been helping people with big problems win their claims. We take cases that other firms won’t, and we pursue cases that other firms drop. We know everything about Medical Malpractice, including exactly how to handle difficult cases for medication errors. If your doctor gave you the wrong medicine for your condition, and it made things much worse, please talk to us about what can be done. Did a pharmacy give you somebody else’s prescription? Sadly, this happens quite often, and when it causes great harm, they are liable for damages.
When a nurse does not properly administer medication, that’s malpractice, too. When a bottle is mislabeled with the wrong drug or wrong dose, people can get very sick or even die. These cases must be thoroughly investigated and meticulously prepared for trial. Not every attorney with a shingle has the expertise in this specialty that will get real results. This is when you need a Queens medication errors attorney that has the experience necessary to take your case the all the way to trial.