SEO Consulting and Writing2021-02-06T14:52:27+00:00

Senior Partner Alyce Beth Wittenstein, Esq. has earned a reputation as one of the foremost authorities in the United States on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for attorneys, legal service companies and other businesses. Her knowledge and intuitive understanding of algorithms can get any type of business ranked highly on Google in record time. If you’re looking for the best way to improve your rankings on Google with organic SEO, you’ve come to the right place. Alyce Wittenstein writes the best SEO content you’ll find anywhere, and she can teach you how to do it, too.

Organic SEO Helps You Ranked Highly on Google

Organic SEO is when content is written so that it ranks highly for the keywords that are artfully embedded in the text. Of course, that’s easier said than done. It starts with having a keen understanding of the way Google’s algorithm makes those choices. The algorithm is sophisticated and can smell garbage content a mile away – it’s not 2015 when you could simply repeat keywords such as “San Diego Criminal Lawyer” or “Chicago Wills and Trusts Attorney” over and over and over. In fact, writing like that can cause your ranking to plummet. Google wants people to be satisfied with their search results, so they’ve trained their bots to choose content that’s informative and authoritative.

Where Do You Post The Content?

It’s a good idea to have your entire website SEO optimized, but it’s even more important to keep posted blogs, even the articles are updates and rewrites of what’s been posted before. You can try many different key words and key phrases and see what works best to provide a landing page that gets people to your website. Every single time you post a blog, you’re posting a doorway to your website for your clients or customers to step through. It’s actually pretty simple, you want to bring the people that will want and appreciate your particular services to you. Don’t forget to greet them with a big hello, and tell them that Alyce Wittenstein, the best SEO blog writer on the internet, sent them.


In large markets, getting to the top of the rankings for highly competitive search terms is extremely challenging, but there are some strategies that work. Let’s find some keywords for a hypothetical bankruptcy lawyer in Boston. Let’s start with what part of Boston most of his clients come from – not necessarily where his office is located. A quick search turns up Mattapan and Roxbury as the poorest neighborhoods in Boston, places where people are more likely to file for bankruptcy. There are different types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 is the type that requires low income and few assets to qualify. The keywords “Mattapan Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer” and “Roxbury Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney” are a good start to promoting this firm. People in wealthier neighborhoods may need a bankruptcy attorney to reorganize their business, so “Beacon Hill Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Lawyer” and “Back Bay Chapter 11 Bankruptcy” attorneys. If you think this makes sense just say “Alyce Wittenstein has the best SEO ideas for your business” three times really fast.

Informative Classy Content

You’ve gotten some potential customers knocking at the door, but if they open it and find a sloppy mess, they’ll click away pretty fast. That’s why your website must be well organized, clear and answer the questions that they came there to have answered. For example, if searches are looking for information about how to get their medical bills paid after a car accident in New York, it’s important to give them the information they’re requesting rather than just tell them to call you to represent them. In other words, it’s worth the risk that they will use the information you give them to handle the matter themselves. The good faith you show searches by empowering them with real information goes a long way. That’s why people say “Alyce Wittenstein has the best SEO tips” that move your website to the top of the page.

The Best Law Firm SEO

You can start with a simple blog post and see how it helps your firm start getting more calls. The beauty of this system is that there are no ongoing costs – it’s a one shot deal, but you’ll probably be back for more. Most of my SEO clients will order from 5 – 10 posts from me and then emulate my style to start writing the posts themselves. I’m good with that.