Train Accidents2018-08-12T14:28:42+00:00



train accident lawyer


Mass Transit Accidents require an experienced local train accident lawyer that knows the turf.  Our Personal Injury Lawyers at our Queens Office know how to handle cases from throughout the five boroughs of New York City (Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island) and Nassau County, Long Island.  Train accidents require a great deal of investigation to ascertain all the parties that might be at fault, including maintenance and service companies.  We will leave no stone unturned finding all the proper defendants and holding them responsible.

There has been a rash of train accidents in recent years, which bring to question whether The Metropolitan Transit Authority, Metro-North and Amtrak are:

  • Properly training their conductors and crews
  • Properly maintaining the tracks and cars
  • Having trains that are running on too close a timetable


Mistakes can happen in many ways, often with tragic results.  Sometimes a railroad worker or the train’s driver is at fault, and sometimes the accident is caused by a motorist or pedestrian.  The railroad company or the manufacturer of the train’s equipment can also be responsible for an accident.  That’s why you need an experienced train accident attorney to sort this all out.  It could be a combination of the following:

  • Improper maintenance by the transit company or a sub-contractor
  • Obstructions on the tracks caused by debris, vehicles, pedestrians or others
  • Equipment defects of maintenance, including safety devices that malfunction such as a railroad crossing.
  • Mistakes by crew members that may be caused by inadequate or insufficient training

If you’ve been injured in a train accident, please call us for a free consultation at our Queens office, located in a townhouse in beautiful historic Forest Hills.  We offer a free consultation for train accident victims.  Call Wittenstein & Wittenstein, 718-261-8114.  You’ll be glad you did.


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