Truck Accidents2025-02-17T12:15:01+00:00

truck accident lawyer nyc


If you’ve been injured in an accident with a truck, you need an experienced Truck Accident Lawyer.  If you live in New York City (Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, The Bronx and Staten Island) or Nassau County, you want a Personal Injury Attorney that knows the road.  If you were in a vehicle that was hit by a truck, a pedestrian or bicyclist struck by a truck, you don’t want to go this alone!  If you are a truck driver that was injured in an accident, we can help you, too.

When a truck collides with a passenger vehicle, the injuries and damage are usually much worse for the passenger vehicle and its occupants.  If you’ve been hit by a truck, you should seek medical treatment immediately.  Sometimes the shock of having an accident will mask symptoms that should be treated immediately.  Queens Personal Injury Attorneys Wittenstein & Wittenstein have been helped people that are injured in truck accidents more than 60 years.  We know exactly what to do to get you the compensation you deserve.

Some of the causes of truck accidents are as follows:

  • Truck Driver Distraction
  • Intoxicated or Impaired Truck Drivers
  • Negligent hiring and training of the Truck Driver
  • Trucks that have been overloaded or improperly loaded

If you are a truck driver, you are often perceived as being at fault, but this isn’t always the case.  You need an aggressive Personal Injury Attorney to prosecute your claim against whoever really did cause the accident.  Our New York Personal Injury Lawyers at our Queens Office can help you every step of the way towards getting the compensation you deserve for your loss.  You will need to file a Worker’s Compensation Claim for your medical bills, lost earnings and out-of-pocket expenses plus a claim against the parties at fault.

TRUCK ACCIDENT LAWYER NYC – thorough investigations

Our team of experts will investigate your accident and determine it’s cause and bring an aggressive legal action against the right individuals and entities.  Many trucks are owned and operated by The City of New York, which has it’s own requirements and short filing deadlines.  If you have been injured in a truck accident, you need the best representation possible to navigate your case.  Please call Wittenstein & Wittenstein.  We’ve been helping truck accident victims for more than 60 years.  Call us at 718-261-8114



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