
Limousines- Luxury Travel or Death Traps?

LIMOUSINES- LUXURY TRAVEL OR DEATH TRAPS? Many kids grow up dreaming that one day they would be rich and famous, traveling to red carpets in a limousine.  News of a limousine crash, leaving 20 people dead in its wake, is leaving us wondering how something so horrific could happen in a luxury vehicle.  On October 7th, a family hired a limousine to safely take them drinking at an Upstate New York Brewery. What seemed like a smart and sensible decision led to the deaths of 20 people.  How could something like this happen? Cheap Limousines Can be “Frankenstein” Monsters Surprisingly, many stretch limos weren’t originally manufactured to be limousines. An SUV, Station-wagon or other vehicle is [...]

Things To Do If You Have a Car Accident

Some people are lucky enough to have never had a car accident.  Car accidents are so common that it’s a good idea to know what to do should an accident occur.  It’s better to be prepared beforehand, so that you can protect both your health and your legal rights properly.  A Bronx Car Accident Attorney, Brooklyn Car Accident Attorney or a large firm handling cases throughout New York City can help you best if you follow the best immediate procedures after an accident. Call the Police It is important to always call the police after a traffic accident.  The person causing the accident may try to talk you into “not going through the insurance,” but it’s [...]

Common Personal Injury Cases

There are thousands of personal injury claims filed each year by injured people.  The purpose of these claims is to acquire compensation for the pain and suffering that’s a result of somebody else’s carelessness.  Many studies have shown that a woman accident attorney NYC is better able to relate to clients and also makes the strongest cases.  Unfortunately, there are not that many woman personal injury attorneys, so finding one can be a challenge, but it’s well worth the effort. Traffic Accidents Traffic accidents are the most common types of personal injury cases.  These accidents can happen in automobiles, limousines, taxis, Ubers, buses, trains, motorcycles and other types of vehicles.  Often they are caused by driver [...]

The Difference Between Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault

 The Difference Between Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault It seems as if every time we turn on the news, there’s another accusation about sexual harassment or assault that comes up. We are living in a time where behavior that was once minimized and brushed aside is now coming to public attention. People now feel emboldened to speak up and are encouraged by movements such as ME TOO to take a stand. As more offenses come to the public sphere and terms such as sexual assault and sexual harassment gain traction, knowing the difference between each becomes increasingly difficult. Below we break down the difference.   What is Sexual Assault? When people hear the term ‘sexual assault’ [...]

When Should I Call an Accident Lawyer?

So, you'd had some kind of an accident, and you're wondering, "Should I call an accident lawyer?"  Was I badly hurt enough to make a case worthwhile?  Was this somebody else's fault, or was it really mostly my own fault.  This article will guide you through when it might be a good idea to have a consultation with an accident attorney.  If you're still not sure, why not just call - if you don't have a solid case the lawyer will tell you. Let's start with traffic accidents, which are the most common.   Obviously, the accident must be somebody else's fault.  If you were driving, this would usually mean that you were "hit in the [...]

New York City’s Top Personal Injury and Accident Attorneys

Wittenstein & Wittenstein has established itself as a Top New York City (Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, The Staten Island, and Long Island) Personal Injury Law Firm by offering great results to clients for over 60 years. Our legal team have successfully collected millions of dollars for thousands of clients, who have enthusiastically referred their family and friends for generations. If you cannot make it into their office due to your injuries, they will come directly to your home or hospital for an initial consultation. They promptly return calls and answer all your questions fully. This firm understands the trauma that accidents cause their victims and their families.  That’s why they “hold their clients’ hands” throughout the [...]

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